Puppy Prognostication Part 2: Pregnant Dog Complications

Welcome back for part 2 of our series on pregnant dogs. Today we’ll be discussing the possible complications you’re most likely to run into during pregnancy. Many of these terms we’ll be discussing might sound familiar to parents, as the mammalian processes of pregnancy tend to trend in similar fashions. So let’s jump right in and discuss the signs, causes, and treatments of our first complication.

Alternatively, the puppy could be at the heart of the problem. If it isn’t positioned head or tail first, the narrow corridors of your dog’s cervix might impede the pups progress. Or if the puppies are abnormally large the same results can occur. Dystocia is easily recognizable, it’s likely occurring if your dog:
- has been pregnant for over 70 days
- has been in labor for over twenty-four hours
- if there is a rank odor coming from the vaginal discharge
- is producing a lot of vomit during whelping
- takes a long break (over 4 hours) between delivering pups
- 방향 감각 상실
- Anxiety/restlessness
- Stiff or inflexible legs preventing movement
- Fever above 105°F
- 근육 경련
- Heavy or rapid breathing
- 발작
장애를 치료하려면 : 즉시 귀하의 수의사에게 알리고 개를 칼로부터 더 이상 지키지 않도록 개를 예방하십시오. 우유 대체물로 강아지의 칼슘을 보충하는 것도 좋습니다.
Other Complications
You should also seek veterinary assistance if you notice any of the following:
- Heavy bleeding
- Green liquid discharge
- Prolonged nausea
- 행동 거부
- Feebleness
- Dehydration
- 부은 젖꼭지
- 실은 우유 생산량
- Rotten smelling discharge
All of these are potential signs to problems that could have a negative effect on the mother, the puppies, or both. So keep a watchful eye when your dog is pregnant, and be ready to call on professional assistance if the need to do so presents itself.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much you can do by yourself to help a dog during or after whelping. So it’s imperative that you keep your vet’s number nearby throughout the process. However, it should be noted that while these problems are common enough, it’s far more likely your dog’s pregnancy will go off without a hitch. So stay positive, but be prepared!