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아이버맥틴 (Ivermectin)

브랜드 이름들

단일 성분

혼합 성분

Generic products are available.

Uses of Ivermectin

Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic, predominantly used for heartworm prevention in dogs고양이.

For dogs: Used to prevent canine heart disease by eliminating heartworm larvae (Dirofilariaimmitis). Combined with Pyrantel to treat hookworm and roundworm.

For cats: Used to prevent feline heart disease by eliminating heartworm larvae, and for the removal and control of adult and immature hookworms (Ancylostomatubaeforme and A. braziliense).


Oral application supplied as chewables or tablets. Application of generic products may differ.

복용과 사용

Ivermectin is administered once a month with a dosage based on the animal’s body weight. It is important to weigh your pet first and use the correct product for your animal as noted on the packaging or recommended by your vet.

Chewables may be offered by hand or broken up and added to a small amount of food. If given by hand, the dog or cat should be encouraged to chew, rather than swallow the chewable whole.

Ivermectin is successful in preventing the development of heartworm for a month following the animal’s exposure to mosquitos. If administering seasonally, the first dose should be administered within 30 days of first exposure, and the last dose given within 30 days of the last exposure. It is important to administer Ivermectin on the same day each month to ensure maximum efficacy.

Note that approved doses may vary from country to country and you should always follow packaging directions.

가능한 부작용

Rare adverse reactions reported in dogs treated with Ivermectin include depression/lethargy, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, mydriasis, ataxia, staggering, convulsions, and hypersalivation.

Dogs may experience mild hypersensitivity including diarrhea after treatment with Ivermectin, presumed to be a result of dead or dying microfilariae.

Reported side effects for cats include vomiting and diarrhea.

Side effects of products with combined ingredients (Ivermectin, Pyrantel) may differ.


Animals should be tested and cleared for existing heartworm before starting preventative treatment, as Ivermectin is not effective against adult heartworm.

Use with caution in collies or related breeds as these dogs have an increased sensitivity to the effect of Ivermectin, and toxicity can occur.

Not recommended for use with cats or dogs under 6 weeks of age.

Ivermectin has been tested as safe for use with pregnant or nursing dogs and cats.

독성 신호

The following symptoms may indicate an overdose or sensitivity. Contact your veterinarian if you notice any of these signs or suspect your dog or cat has had an overdose.

Dogs: dilated pupils, staggering, drooling, vomiting, blindness, tremors, seizures, coma.

Cats: dilated pupils, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lack of reflexes, staggering, drooling, vomiting, blindness, tremors, seizures, coma, posterior paralysis.

Treatment of Ivermectin toxicity consists of supportive and symptomatic measures, with most pets recovering in 7-10 days.


Store at controlled room temperature of 59°-86°F (15°-30°C). Protect product from light.

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Ivermectin drug information sheet
Ivermectin Information Sheet

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아이버맥틴 (Ivermectin)

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