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 jaime (2014 년 7 월 31 일) |

Medical doctors and governmental agencies are constantly reminding human beings to be aware of the signs their bodies are giving them about health and wellness. For pet owners, it is equally important to be aware of the warning signs that something is wrong with your best friend. You might even argue that it is more important to be aware of, and looking for, warning signs in your dog. After all, your dog does not share your language and cannot clearly communicate when it is in distress.

If you own a pooch you should be aware of the warning signs that indicate your dog could be suffering from cancer. Rather than wait till it is too late, be on the lookout for these signs to try and catch cancer when it can be stopped (or suffering minimized).

It's important to note that the following signs are quite general and just because your dog may be showing some of the below signs doesn't mean they are suffering from cancer. In the first instance, take your concerns to your local vet so any nasty medical conditions, including cancer can be ruled out.


1. Strong odors

It can be difficult to tell with this one, because every owner is likely to believe that dogs have a few funky smells that humans simply are not accustomed to sensing. While "dog breath" is common in all dogs, it should not be immensely overpowering. Strong, foul odors coming from your dog's mouth, nose, or hindquarters could be a sign of a tumor.


2. Bumps & lumps

Take a little time once each month to run your hands along your dog's body in search of any unusual lumps or bumps under their skin. Be sure to check behind the ears and around the face. When you do this for the first time, a bump could just be a bump. The key is to keep a mental note of where you noticed bumps or lumps, and look again in 2-4 weeks to see if they feel bigger and/or have noticeably increased in size.


3. Weight loss

Your dog's weight should remain in a healthy range and not fluctuate too much. Of course, your dog's body weight will fluctuate from time to time. For example, the warm summer months might cause your dog to shed pounds if it eats less or sheds a heavy second coat. What you need to keep an eye open for are sudden, drastic dips in weight.


4. Loss of appetite

Is your dog one of those pooches that simply cannot wait for you to put the food dish down before pouncing? A sudden loss of interest in food or lowered appetite could be a sign that your dog is sick. While this doesn't necessarily mean cancer is the culprit, it is a possibility and should be cause for concern in any case.


5. Lack of energy

You've undoubtedly heard of the "dog days of summer," when everyone's energy levels dip because it's just too darn hot to do much of anything. There is, however, a difference between a lazy dog and a lethargic dog. You've probably had your dog long enough to know its activity patterns throughout the day. If you notice an extended, severe dip in its activity levels you should consult a veterinarian to ensure that cancer is not aggressively growing in your dog's body.

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Laurel - Comment
Laurel06 Aug 2014Reply
I have a dog that is about 9 years old rescue. He has developed shin tags first on head and now more on body. They are pink round raised and not painful ? are they dangerous? Should they be removed. Vet says they usually fall off?

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