전선 벼룩 및 진드기 예방의 부작용

벼룩 은 나쁘다 - 매우 나쁨 - 그리고 진드기는 더욱 악합니다! 벼룩은 고양이와 개를 자극 하여 과도한 가려움과 물어 뜯는 소리를 내며 짖 거나 싫어하며, 사람들에게 전염 될 수있는 질병을 전파합니다. 틱, 특히 마비 진드기는 치명적일 수 있습니다.
벼룩은 4 단계 수명주기를 가지고 있습니다 : 성인, 달걀, 애벌레 및 번데기. 이 불쾌한 작은 기생충은 당신의 애완 동물을 물고 먹이를 낳습니다. 성인 여성 벼룩은 하루에 최대 50 개의 알을 낳을 수 있습니다 . 애완 동물과 집에 감염되면 벼룩을 완전히 없애기가 어렵습니다.
갈색 진드기와 마비 진드기는 모든 연령층의 애완 동물에게 위험합니다. 진드기 타액은 애완 동물의 혈액을 빨아 들이면 전달되는 독소를 가지고 있습니다. 이 독소는 애완 동물의 피부를 자극하여 피부염과 빈혈을 유발하고 심지어 마비 나 사망을 유발할 수 있습니다. 틱에는 라임 병도 있습니다. 따라서 정기적으로 애완 동물을 벼룩과 진드기로부터 보호해야합니다.
전선 은 벼룩, 벼룩 달걀 및 애벌레에 대한 매우 빠른 연기와 효과적인 예방이며, 이가있어 진드기를 물고 있습니다. 벼룩에서 Frontline은 세 가지 중요한 생식기 단계에서 작동하므로 수명주기가 성공적으로 파괴됩니다. 성분 fipronil는 성인 벼룩, 이가 및 진드기에 영향을 미치고, methoprene는 벼룩 달걀 및 애벌레에 영향을 미친다. 전선은 기생충의 중추 신경계를 공격하기 위해 즉시 woking을 시작하여 마비시키면서 마비시킵니다. 전선은 또한 벼룩 알레르기 피부염 치료에도 사용할 수 있습니다.
매월 또는 격월로 적용 할 수있는 고양이 및 개에게 적합한 다양한 Frontline 제품이 있습니다. 개를위한 복용량은 개 무게에 의존적입니다. 트리트먼트는 피펫에서 나오는데,이 피펫은 애완용의 머리카락을 통해 껍질을 벗겨 낼 수없는 어깨 뼈 사이의 피부에 직접적으로 압착됩니다. 애완 동물의 눈에 Frontline을 입히지 않도록주의하십시오. Frontline Plus 및> Frontline Combo는 동일한 제품의 다른 브랜드 이름입니다.
24 시간 후, [[[Frontline]]]은 오일 땀샘을 통해 애완 동물의 피부와 머리카락 전체에 분포합니다. 일단 퍼지면 치료 후 48 시간 동안 애완 동물을 샴푸하지 말 것을 권유하지만 [[[Frontline]]] 은 방수성입니다. 마비 진드기 컨트롤의 경우, 진드기 기간 동안 특히 침입에 대한 애완 동물을주의 깊게 점검해야합니다. 이 기간 동안 2 주마다 치료를 받아야 할 수도 있습니다. 포장 지침을 참조하십시오.
Frontline 은 고양이와 개를 대상으로 테스트되고 안전한 치료법입니다. 지시약 대로 사용하면 부작용이 생길 수 있습니다. 8 주 이상의 새끼 고양이 및 강아지에게 사용하도록 고안되었으며 임신 또는 수유중인 동물에게 사용할 수 있습니다. 애완 동물이 약물 치료 중이거나, 약화 된 면역 체계를 가지고 있거나, 아프거나, 노인이거나 이미 다른 살충제를 사용하고 있다면 사용 전에 수의사와 상담해야합니다.
1-2 일 동안 도포 부위에 일시적으로 빨갛게되거나 피부에 자극이 생겨 애완 동물이 가렵거나 긁힐 수 있습니다. 식욕과 설사가 부족할 수도 있습니다. 건조되기 전에 치료를 핥아 주면 애완 동물의 기분이 떨어질 수 있습니다. 이러한 증상이 지속되거나 악화되면 알레르기 증상이 나타날 수 있으므로 수의사에게 상담하십시오.
Frontline 을 사용한 부작용이나 부작용은 대개 부정확 한 투여 또는 투여 량 때문입니다. 그러나 모든 애완 동물은 개개인에게 적합하며 성분에 알레르기가 있거나 과민 반응을 나타낼 수 있습니다. 다음과 같은 부작용 중 하나를 발견하면 즉시 애완 동물을 수의사에게 가져 가십시오.
- 특히 얼굴, 입술, 혀의 붓기
- 발진 또는 두드러기
- 혼수
- 구토 또는 심한 / 오랜 설사
- 과도한 타액
- 조정되지 않은 움직임
- 발작
- 무응답 또는 혼수 상태
I just applied my 5 month old kitten with her first frontline. She was more sleep after but what really got me is she had a bout of intense yowling 2 hours after that was way louder than normal. She went to lay on the ground and seemed the neck area where I applied FL may be irritated .
Which is why I'm here fuz I wanted to figure out possible side effects to look out for. Never thought of that with a flea meds since I've never seen different behavior after
배터리 눈, 식욕, letharic, 요법의 동요, 떨고.
나는 진단을 받아들이는 수의사를 찾아야하고 어떻게 든 배회한다.
성공한 사람이 있습니까?
나는 2 일전에 내 강아지가 거기에서 그녀를 데려 오기까지 수개월이 걸렸지 만 개가 구석으로 변했다고 생각합니다. 우선 탈지 식기 세척액으로 애완 동물을 씻으십시오. 나는 요정을 사용했습니다. 지난 몇 개월 동안 나는 그녀에게 완전한 생식을 먹이고 그녀에게 1 개의 검은 모 유명 브랜드 인 milkthistle tablet을주었습니다. 그녀의 식단은 생고기, 주로 캥거루로 이루어져 있지만, 나는 염소 쇠고기와 양고기로 바꾸어 먹는다. 약간의 찌꺼기. 일부 정어리. 고구마, 양배추, 자유 범위 달걀 및 달걀 껍질 2 배 농도의 생선 기름 캡슐 및 코코넛 오일. 위의 몇 가지를 대체합니다. 또한 콜로이드 실버도 있지만 그녀에게 준 가장 좋은 점은 뼈 수프라고 생각합니다. 놀라운 것들. 지난 주에 그녀는 여전히 고난을 겪고 있었고, 그녀는 걷는 거리를 간신히 돌아 다니며 하루 종일 그냥 누워 누워 움직일 수있었습니다. 그녀는 여전히 100 %가 아니지만 2 일 만에 뛰면서 지금은 큰 산책을하고 있으며 페이스를 유지하고 있습니다. 나는 달을 넘었다. 또한 페이스 북의 프론트 라인 / 프론트 라인과 신경 독성 독에 관한 그룹을 찾아보십시오. 전선을 금지시키려는 탄원서가 있습니다. 나는 도움이 되었기를 바랍니다. 위의 그룹을 보면 내 의견을 볼 수 있습니다. 조언을 구하십시오. 아기가 회복되기를 바랍니다.
목욕하기 전 제 개가 둔하게, 세심하지 않고, 근육의 트위치, 징징 거리고, 한 방울도 마시지 않았고, 18 시간 동안 똑바로 먹지 않았습니다 ... 완전히 탈수 된 .... 매력 .....이 피 프로 닐은 절대 다시 사용하지 못하게해야합니다 .... 나는 오히려이 화학적 똥보다 진드기를 골라내는 데 더 많은 것을 할 것입니다.
From wat i have observed.. after the application..my 🐕 became dull and lethargic ... he didnt respond to anything...
He stays like that untill i give him a bath next day...
I think the chemical irritates his skin or has some adverse nausea like effect on him ..
But when i bath him the next day... his energy comes back and he acts normal again like everyday.. hes only like that untill i bath him...
I just use my regular oat shampoo on him... nothing special to remove all the chemical...
I prefer to sprays his body with fipronil instead of applying that 3 or 5 ml of liquid behind his head... it highly concentration and he didnt like it...
Spraying all over body with diluted one and bathing him next day has done wonders!..
I belive this product is not safe for younger or older animals, despite what it says in the box/instructions. And I repeat what Mel have said in her post: "as soon as you see symptoms wash your pet". It helps.
Isso é normal ?
Carey - 8 years old - mixed breed - 35 lbs
We applied Frontline Gold for the first time ever to our dog on 01/16/20. Within 5 hours she would randomly scream out in pain/because she was scared and jump into our arms. At the time we thought maybe she hurt her leg or back and would touch her spine, rotate her legs, etc. without finding any indication of soreness anywhere on her body. This would happen sporadically on Friday and Saturday. By Saturday evening, it was happening more frequently. And at this point we realized that our dog was having mild seizures. She was not losing consciousness, but she would cry out/get this look about her and then burrow into us and her whole little body would tense up, she would lick her lips (salivating), and stretch out her neck and put her head high into the air. We took her to the emergency vet and they have since started her on seizure medication and a sedative for now because she is absolutely terrified when one starts to come on. Secondly, she is spending the day at her primary vet receiving fluids and staying under observation - and we will do this again tomorrow. Her behavior is different - she is very clingy - and she has tremors constantly. We feel completely helpless.
Carey was in perfect health prior to application of the Frontline Gold and nothing else has changed in her routine other than that. Frontline refuses to accept ANY responsibility. In fact, when we asked how to get their medication out of her, their only response was to bathe her - which we did 3 times. This medication is so poorly researched that they do not even have a way to reverse it if a dog has a reaction - and that is because according to them, "it is impossible for their product to cause these symptoms."
We are really hoping to wean her off of the seizure meds by the end of the month once the Frontline should be worn off. I really hope she will be able to go back to normal once the poison is out of her body. Frontline should be ashamed of both the fact that they poorly researched this medication/did not provide accurate side effects to the customer, and the fact that they so easily just say it is impossible for their product to cause any of this. DO NOT USE THEIR PRODUCTS. It simply isn’t worth it.
Thanks for your quick response
Frontline Gold had no negative effects on my 3-year-old Labrador Retriever.
I unfortunately used front line on my 5 month old kitten 6 days ago. On 4th day I washed her with fairy liquid. She has not improved nor got worse after bath. Her left side legs and eye are very weak. Cannot walk properly or jump. Is this reversible- Im really worried I cant see any improvement as yet. Although the fits have stopped.
This was #2 of a six-pack, so she had gotten the same lot batch the month before. I called the Frontline hotline and was basically told that they knew of no adverse effects except for the foaming at the mouth if they get it on their tongue. Why are all of us having similar issues and yet Frontline doesn't seem to be aware or care??
Does anyone know of any products that are safe and effective?
Now three weeks later if providing essentially “hospice care” our dog is walking and eating better. Spirit is improving and although her walk is like a drunken sailor, she is able to get around some. I’m hopefully when the Frontline is worn off, things will be better.
Also, maybe don’t euthanize if your dog experiences these issues. Maybe a little time and things could improve. I’ve had to euthanize a couple older pets and it’s not easy to do.
I've used Frontline Plus a few times before, purchased from the same store, applied on my same dog, without any issues and I followed the directions exactly as I always have.
For some reason, this last treatment quickly caused a large sore on the application area. I attempted to remove the Frontline with a gentle bath at that point. Within a few days, my dog began losing balance when walking, drooling out of one side, became nauseous after only taking a few bites of food, appeared to be losing site in one eye, and struggled to even get up on the couch.
The vet mentioned other dogs with severe adverse reactions to Frontline in recent months as well and suggested bathing them with dish-soap to remove the application as soon as possible.
The cats vomited more than usual last week but to be honest, I didn’t think it could be the Frontline. I thought it may have been something they ate. However, I have just noticed that one of our beautiful cats has lost a patch of hair and the skin has blistered exactly where that stuff was.
I feel really bad and wished I had listened to my partner.
I am horrified that vets and vet schools don’t seem to know about this. I feel so bad for those that had their pets put down because of this poison. Believe me, I’ll get the word out!
He has a veterinarian appointment today. I washed the area with Dawn dish soap as was told to do this from the veterinarian. Please keep him in your thoughts. Please beware!
I’m so glad I found this website, I washed him as soon as I found this information out on here in dish soap and already he seems so much better. He is able to jump up again and is much more lively.
Hoping he continues to make a full recovery.
I don’t recall him ever showing adverse side effects.
His breathing is slightly rapid and he just seems generally miserable.
I had used Frontline Kitten on my cat a few times and while he did not like the application part, he seemed to be fine otherwise. I don't think I ever got the full dosage on him though since he is wriggly (probably about half). I waited until he was a year old to give him the adult formula but again - never got the full dosage applied. He didn't show any signs of fleas so I didn't worry too much about that. Yesterday was the first time I'd applied a full dose and I completely regret it. His pupils dilated after and he wouldn't let me pet him at all- just ran and hid. He gets sleepy after vaccines so I wasn't too concerned about it. Left for a few hours and when I went to check on him it was clear he hadn't moved. His eyes were hazy and he wouldn't let me touch him at all (he's normally a total cuddle monster). Called the vet, they said it couldn't possibly be the frontline since its topical and recommended that I continue to monitor him. A few more hours went by - he had barely eaten all day, was still recoiling from my touch and I noticed his third eyelid showing. Found this blog and washed it off. He started purring as soon as I began washing it off- like he knew what the problem was but couldn't tell me. After about 30-40 minutes he let me pet him again and didn't leave my side for the rest of the evening. He seems back to his normal self today and has his appetite back.
I will never use this on him again.
I will mention when I speak with her tomorrow . I think they don’t believe in these reactions as they encourage them , just as small # people with vaccine injury are dismissed because most people do fine .
However, he seemed like he was about 90% better on day 9 (03/29/2022). By day 10 (03/30/2022), I could say he was all good. I gave this timeline so that anyone who has a dog going through issues due to Frontline crap can see that there is hope. Jack came out of the hell he was in and hopefully your dog will too. The vet was of no help and didn't say much even when I mentioned that I found so many people online who are complaining about Frontline plus. I guess there's nothing much vet could do when it's neurological issues.
I won't use this again. No good
I also got the frontline us for my dogs and they all still have fleas. It's horrible. Wth has happened??
I put frontline on my 13 year old mini schnauzer, within 4 hours he had a seizure. He then went on to have two more in the next 24 hours. I’m convinced it was down to this flea and tick treatment. Fingers crossed it’s now two days later and no more seizures, but he still isn’t himself and won’t jump up on to the sofa. I thought this was a weird symptom, but having seen the comments, apparently quite common.
Over grooming, itching, biting and scratching for over a month after the application.